Ayurveda Suggested Diet That Helps Manage PCOD/PCOS Symptoms

Do you have fluctuated menstrual cycle? You may be suffering from PCOD/ PCOS. The problem of PCOD is a widespread female reproductive disorder that encompasses many associated serious health concerns which significantly impact the metabolic processes of the body. PCOS is specifically characterized by the following i.e., ovarian dysfunction, increased androgen production, and disordered gonadotropin secretion. The persistent disease symptoms can increase the risks of developing insulin resistance (IR), type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. It is one of the most common endocrine and metabolic disorders which are caused due to both genetic and environmental influences. The most common causes of PCOS are a higher level of androgen level, insulin resistance, and low-grade inflammation.

The common symptoms of PCOS are:

  • Irregular menstruation 
  • Heavy bleeding 
  • Abnormal hair growth 
  • Obesity 
  • Darkening of skin 
  • Formation of cysts 
  • Infertility
  • Lethargy

This hormone fluctuation disease should be managed timely to avoid future serious health consequences or complications. Therefore, its early and effective management through PCOS Ayurvedic treatment can provide the best and long-term results. Ayurvedic management for PCOS is wholesome of herbal medications along with experts suggested certain diet and lifestyle modifications that favor healthy and disease-free living. 

Some of the questions asked by PCOS patients are:

Can an unhealthy diet lead to PCOS? Why do Ayurvedic doctors emphasize more on diet for PCOD/PCOS symptom management? Yes, diets do play a significant role in sustaining healthy and disease-free living. And various studies proved that hormonal imbalance is the main cause of this endocrine disorder which is the result of adopting an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. Ayurveda is an age-old traditional practice whose implementation for treating ailments is done till today. Ayurvedic management for PCOS specifically incorporates and emphasizes dietary and lifestyle changes along with plant-based medications thus providing effective recovery without any side effects. 

PCOS Ayurvedic treatment involves majorly the dietary changes. Therefore, for it management Dr. Mukesh Sharda founder Dr. Sharda Ayurveda suggests some of the best diet modifications tips which if followed religiously can provide better results and recovery from the symptoms of PCOS.

  1. Start your day with herbal tea like chamomile, cinnamon, and peppermint which possess anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral properties. Additionally contains immune-boosting nutrients and are high in antioxidants which helps reduce those extra calories by naturally balancing the hormones.
  2. Include Kapha balancing foods in the diet which should be abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables preferably steamed and boiled (raw form)
  3. Have a whole-grain diet that majorly includes wheat, ragi, barley (all specifically gluten-free) to effectively overcome this oligogenic disorder naturally. 
  4. Eat high fibrous food which will help combat insulin resistance by slowing down the digestion process and thus reducing the effect of sugar on the blood. Some of the fiber-rich choices are cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and sprouts. Additionally leafy lettuce, almonds, berries, and squash pumpkin.
  5. Proteins like beans, peas, peanuts, mung beans, and lentils are known to be a rich source of amino acids and thereby essentially good for maintaining muscle health and ovaries.
  6. Include iron-rich foods because they help prevent anemia, decrease the risk of ovulatory infertility, and thus improve the proper functioning of the red blood cells.

Additionally, certain experts suggested foods that should be excluded from daily diet, which help maintain estrogen and gonadotropins hormone levels in the body.

  1. Complete cut-off on sugar and salty foods. 
  2. Exclude more carbohydrate-rich food from the diet. 
  3. Avoid intake of refined, processed, and fried foods. 
  4. Excess intake of red meat such as steaks, hamburgers, and pork should be completely secluded.

Along with the diet, following a healthy lifestyle is also of utmost importance to effectively manage the symptoms. Some of the key highlighters of lifestyle changes are regular exercise, keeping the body in motion, and most importantly practicing regular yoga and meditation. Therefore, specifically for PCOS treatment, the well recognized and effective yoga poses are Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Surya Namaskar, and Bhujangasana which help shed those extra calories, and regulate regular menses and relieve stress.

But, along with adopting these choices, one should consult with their expertise for better and more effective recovery. For this, Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS is a blessing that treats the disease following natural and holistic approaches that help regulate hormones and restores fertility.
