Get relief from bronchitis symptoms through the adoption of these natural home remedies

 Bronchitis is specifically included in an umbrella term i.e., COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease). The disease is mainly caused due to inflammation of the bronchi, the airways of the lungs, which leads to the emergence of discomforting symptoms. It is majorly divided into two types i.e., acute and chronic according to the severity and duration of the infectious disease. Today the percentage of people affected by respiratory ailments is high due to persistent unhealthy environmental conditions, the major contributor. Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease that primarily occurs due to viral infection. Some major symptoms that are associated with it are cough often with mucus, wheezing, chest tightening, and shortness of breath. The factors that increase your chances of developing the disease are cigarette smoking, and gastric reflux. To avoid serious health concerns, timely opt for Bronchitis treatment for best results.

Ayurvedic treatment for Bronchitis asthma has turned out to be the rescuer and one of the most effective holistic approaches for treating the disease. Ayurveda states bronchitis as “Tamaka Shwasa” in Sanskrit, which means inflammation and obstruction in the lungs. The respiratory diseases are the outcome of aggravation of Vata and Kapha doshas in the body. The Ayurvedic treatment's main aim is to balance these imbalanced doshas of the body (root cause) through intake of natural herbs for asthma (the basic of Ayurvedic medications) along with religiously following dietary and lifestyle changes. This altogether gives effective and long-term relief from discomforting symptoms.

Along with regular Ayurvedic treatment, the experts suggest some of the best home remedies for Bronchitis which, if adopted in daily routine will additionally aid in recovery.

  1. The mixture of these three powerful spices is proven to give instant relief from the discomforting symptoms. Ginger (saunth) and long pepper (pipli) are anti-inflammatory in nature and thus provide relief in case of swollen bronchial tubes. Additionally, the black pepper (kali Mirch) helps reduce nasal congestion. Mix all three ingredients in powdered form in water and add the zest of honey to it and drink this thrice a day for best results.
  2. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) is an excellent Ayurvedic herb that has been is used in medicines for ages. Specifically for Bronchitis, it is known for its soothing effect on the lining of the throat that helps in providing relief from the inflamed bronchial lining. Drinking Giloy juice twice a day will definitely give positive results.
  3. Gargling with salt water daily helps break up the mucus and reduces the pain in the throat. For this dissolve 1 tsp. of salt in 1 glass of warm water. Do not swallow the water and repeat the gargling procedure thrice a day for the most effective results.
  4. Do you know? That tomato soup apart from being a winter warmer is also extremely beneficial in easing Bronchitis symptoms. The presence of vitamin C can help reduce the formation of excessive mucus and swelling. Recipe: For instant results, to the tomato soup, add some fresh pepper on top which makes it a wholesome healthy option.
  5. Taking regular hot water steam can help loosen the mucus and reduces nasal congestion. Additionally, relaxes the muscles that are tensed from coughing and sneezing. To inhale steam pour hot water into a large heat-proof bowl, next cover your head with a towel, and slowly breathe in the steam to get quick relief.
  6. Take 2 tablespoons of mustard oil and warm it well, to this add approximately 2 grams of camphor. Apply this medicated oil gently over the chest, back, and neck area. Do not massage and after some time give dry fomentation.
  7. Sesame seeds are essentially recommended by experts due to their medicinal properties. It provides effective relief from Bronchitis symptoms including chest congestion. Mix ½ tsp of sesame seed powder to 1 cup of water and drink this twice a day for positive results.
  8. Pineapple juice is also proven to be effective against Bronchitis and other respiratory infections. The presence of a compound called bromelain, which is natural and high in anti-inflammatory properties can help break up and expel mucus.

Along with following these above listed Ayurvedic home remedies for Bronchitis, it is always suggested to consult with the doctors for proper treatment.
