Know How Ayurvedic Treatment For Psoriasis Can Heal You Naturally!

 Autoimmune-generated skin disorders are increasing to a considerable expansion which is confirmed by many studied reports. There are many immune-mediated skin diseases are known such as scleroderma, psoriasis, dermatomyositis, and epidermolysis bullosa. Out of the all majority reported cases are of Psoriasis, the life-threatening disease. Psoriasis is a chronic, multisystem inflammatory disease that principally involves the skin and if the condition is not managed timely with the right Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis it can also affect the joints which is stated by the disease called “Psoriatic Arthritis”.

Psoriasis Vector Diagram

Psoriasis is a non-contagious disorder that significantly causes the appearance of red, inflamed rashes all over the exposed skin which can cause extreme itchiness and irritation. There are several types known which are distinguished based on affected skin areas and persistence of symptoms. What is the main cause of disease? This is because of the ill-functioning of the defense mechanism i.e., overproduction of keratin pigment which potentially interferes with the skin regeneration process. This mainly is triggered by stress, changing environmental conditions, and injury. Beyond the physical damage, the disease can cause psychological effects resulting in low self-esteem, and also hampers social functioning and interpersonal relationships.

Even after consulting doctors and taking proper medications still not able to get recovered from psoriasis? Then worry not as Psoriasis Ayurvedic treatment is the best option to choose for lifelong results. The root cause management of disease by following a natural and systematic treatment approach makes Ayurveda the effective solution to opt.

The authentic treatment is wholesome of several procedures which are described down below.

Panchakarma Therapy

The therapy is an age-old practice that strongly grounds and aims to focus on curing the root cause by effectively balancing the imbalanced Doshas (for Psoriasis Vata and Kapha). This is so by employing detoxification and purification steps that aid in overall recovery.

  • Shodhana (Detoxification) which incorporates Vamana, Virechana, and Rakta mokshna. 
  • Shamana (Administration of medications internally and externally).
  • Rasayana (Immunomodulation)

Dietary changes 

In Ayurveda having a well-maintained diet holds a vital position. This includes incorporating healthy choices which will essentially benefit in providing a fit body and mind. The main root cause of this disease is impure blood and compromised liver functioning. Therefore, for this purpose Ayurveda recommends what food to eat and substitute from the diet.


  • Dark leafy green vegetables (including broccoli and spinach) 
  • Whole grains (including quinoa and barley) 
  • Berries (rich in antioxidants and vitamin C)
  • Turmeric and ginger (anti-inflammatory in nature)


  • Fried 
  • Processed 
  • High in sugar 
  • Refined grains 
  • Dairy products 
  • Non-vegetarian items 
  • Caffeinated products

Lifestyle changes 

Not only diet, but how a person involves in their day-to-day routine also makes a big difference in life. By continuing to sustain a healthy lifestyle one is keeping them away from the risk of developing chronic autoimmune diseases. Certain modifications that can assist in better recovery are:
  • Quit smoking
  • Complete cut on alcohol consumption. 
  • Maintain a healthy weight. 
  • Engage yourself more in doing the physical workout. 
  • By practicing yoga and meditation daily can also prove to be a boon for releasing stress and curing Psoriasis naturally. The highly effective yoga poses recommended to overcome skin disorders are deep breathing, Balasana (Child’s pose), and salutation seal.

Ayurvedic Herbs 

Herbs are the basic component of Ayurvedic medicines which are known for their marvelous health benefits that support healthy body functioning. The reason behind this is the presence of essential and natural compounds in it. Herbs that are known to provide effectual results after their external or internal application are:

Mahonia aquifolium 

The presence of compound berberine makes this plant, especially good for treating inflammatory skin disorders. It has antiproliferative effects that slow down the growth of skin cells. 

Aloe Vera 

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make this herb preferred for treating Psoriasis. 


It contains an ingredient called curcumin, which provides high anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that benefit in curing skin rashes and itchiness.

Some of the effective home remedies and tips suggested by experts along with taking Ayurvedic treatment are listed below.
  • Epsom salt water is a good remedy for treating Psoriasis. Soak the affected area in sea salt water will ensure the removal of thick scales by penetrating deep into the skin. 
  • Spraying apple cider vinegar on the affected area will help reduce itchiness, and pain to a great extent.
  • The combination of bitter gourd and lime is a magical remedy. Drinking this juice in the morning on an empty stomach will surely provide relief from skin disorders.
