How to get rid of Eczema naturally?

Eczema on human hand

Skin is the largest organ of the body which acts as a protective cover from heat, light, injury, and infection. It is an intermediate between organism and environment that helps to regulate body temperature. It stores water & fat and prevents bacteria which is very necessary to keep the skin healthy and clean. As there are a number of skin disorders, that may occur if our skin lacks hygiene or nutritional substances. One of these harmful disorders is Eczema.

Let’s understand in brief what are the signs and causes of Eczema and what are the remedies for eczema through which we can minimize it. 

What exactly is Eczema?

It is also known as dermatitis. It is a chronic skin disorder that causes dry, itchy, and irritated skin. The person with Eczema experience patches, rashes, and swelling on various parts of their body. It can happen to anyone irrespective of age, but it is more common in children.

Although Eczema is not contagious but requires strict medical action for preventing severe future health complications like allergies, hay fever or other skin disorders.

What does Ayurveda say?

In Ayurveda, the disorder of eczema is called “Vicharchika.” The imbalance of Pitta Dosha causes this disorder. The herbs, spices, natural oil, and panchakarma bags are some natural remedies for eczema through which control can be obtained from such disorders.

What are the signs of Eczema?

        The skin may start turning dry or cracked.

        Rashes on skin that may vary in color.

        Small & raised bumps on the skin.

        Itchiness and swelling.

        Ooziness and crusting.

        A thickened skin.

        The skin around the eyes may turn dark.

        Raw and sensitive skin by scratching.

        Patches on the skin, which may be thick or leathery.

        Flaky and scaly skin.

The symptoms of this skin disorder may vary from person to person. It can occur on any part of the body but it generally affects hands, neck, elbows, ankles, knees, feet or face.

Factors and Triggers Responsible for Eczema

There could be a number of reasons that may cause eczema. Some of the major factors that contribute to the occurrence of this disorder are:


There may be some allergens or elements that may cause or trigger eczema. Exposure to smoke, air pollutants and fabrics such as wool may cause eczema. Humidity can also contribute to eczema as when it is low, it results in dry and itchy skin. Whereas high humidity cause sweating that can make itchiness worse.


The effect of the food you consume will appear on your skin. Healthy food is the basis for healthy skin. Contrarily, the consumption of uncooked food, junk and stale food would be a common reason for skin-related issues.


Following a sedentary or sluggish lifestyle can also contribute to skin issues. Working or living in an area where there is a lack of fresh air or there is polluted air then it can affect your skin.

Lack of hygiene

If your body lacks hygiene then it could be a common cause of the occurrence of skin problems. Wearing dirty & sweaty clothes and not washing hands from time to time are some common unhygienic habits that could easily lead to skin irritation and disorders. 

Emotional factors

Your skin has a connection with your mental health. If you are depressed or taking much tension & stress then it will flare the symptoms of eczema.

Use of chemical

Eczema can also be caused by using chemical-based products like harsh soaps, beauty creams, perfumes, shampoos or detergents.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Eczema

Ayurveda is widely famous for treating disorders using herbal substances. The root-cause factors of the ailments are removed by using ayurvedic herbs, yoga, meditation, and dietary control.

10 Natural Remedies For Eczema

Ayurveda aims to provide mankind relief from pain using ancient healing practices. For this, a number of Ayurvedic natural remedies are provided in Ayurveda, which is easy to adopt and have no side effects. The 10 most effective home remedies for eczema that are considered as best eczema Ayurvedic treatment are as follows:

Coconut oil

The oil of coconut can help relieve the dry, itchy, and irritated skin caused by eczema. It has antimicrobial effects which make it effective at killing bacteria on the skin. It provides adequate moisture to the skin and also reduces inflammation and discomfort.


Eczema natural remedies include applying virgin coconut oil to the skin twice a day or more if necessary. It can be used as a normal moisturizer or lotion.


Sandalwood also known as Chandana is an aromatic herb that is very helpful for all skin disorders like acne, rashes, and redness. The non-inflammatory properties and cooling properties of this herb make it the most effective natural remedy for eczema. It is also used for fragrance. If properly used it also helps to balance aggravated Pitta Dosha.


        Take a jar and mix Chandana powder with some rose water.

        Apply this mixture to the affected areas.


It means Turmeric. It is commonly used in our meals but it contains a large sum of health benefits. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects of turmeric reduce acne, dark spots & scarring. Impurities and toxins are flushed out from the skin.


        Mix small amounts of greek yogurt, honey, and turmeric powder together.

        Apply this on your skin.

        Keep it for approximately 15 minutes and then wash it off.


The paste of grown, dried, and crushed neem leaves must be applied on the skin affected by eczema disorder. It is a very effective remedy that heals inflamed & peeling skin. Burning sensations and red rashes are also mollified with the use of this herb.


        Take neem oil and mix coconut oil & grapeseed oil in an equivalent amount.

        Dab this on your eczema patches using a cotton ball.

Aloe Vera

It is considered one of the best home remedies for eczema and other skin disorders. Along with its beauty-related uses, it can also be used for getting control over numerous ailments. It is a natural moisturizer that hydrates and soothes eczema-damaged skin.


        First clean your skin with mild soap water and let your skin absorb as much as possible.

        Now rub the gel on the affected areas of the skin.

        The gel could be sticky in beginning. Before getting dressed let it allow to dry.


Honey can also be used for soothing the symptoms of eczema. It is helpful in reducing inflammation, redness, and itching on the skin. It contains anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-oxidant properties which add it to the list of effective remedies for eczema.


        In the evening, apply a thick layer of honey to the affected area.

        Cover this area with the help of a bandage or soft cloth and let it stay in place overnight.

        Gently remove the dressing in the morning and clean the area.

Diet Modification

Food has a direct connection with your health. The effects of foods that you consume will appear on your skin. Junk food and uncooked food will result in dry, irritated skin as they contain no vitamins or nutrients rather than toxic substances. One must include fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet to avoid skin disorders.

Foods to be consumed

In fruits- Apples, Avocados, Watermelons, Pomegranates, Bananas, Papaya & Coconut water and in vegetables- Pumpkin, Spinach, Broccoli, Carrots, Zucchini, Kale and cucumber are the best for eczema.

Avoid chemicals soaps and detergents

 The skin’s normal PH level is 4 to 5 whereas the average PH level of soap is 9 to 10. Additionally, the soaps and detergents may contain chemicals that may harm your skin or worsen the symptoms of eczema. It is suggested to use soaps that are made of natural substances.

Use soaps, moisturizers and other skincare products that are made from natural substances like aloe vera, honey, neem, turmeric, Multani mitti, sandalwood, lavender, coconut or olive oil as eczema Ayurvedic treatment.

Oatmeal bath

It is a warm bath that contains finely grown oatmeal that soothes and moisturizes the skin. It is a natural eczema treatment that helps people who have acne, itchy/dry skin and rashes. It provides relief from stress accompanied by the disorder of eczema.


        Take lukewarm water, not hot.

        As soon the bathtub fills, add 1 cup of dried oatmeal.

        Soak it for 10-15 minutes.

        Take a bath and after that softly pat yourself so that your skin remains damp.

Yoga & Meditation

As per Ayurveda doing yoga and meditation can also be used as home remedies for eczema. Pranayama lowers stress and inflammation which makes it an efficient option for managing eczema and other skin disorders. Bhujangasana, Vakrasana, Shashakasana, and Uttan Padasana are some effective yoga asana that helps to improve skin texture and remove skin disorders.

The above are some eczema relief remedies that are helpful to patients with skin disorders. One must contact an Ayurvedic doctor before about the dosage and timing of consumption before adapting them to their regular life.


One should always choose Ayurvedic treatment for eczema. It is the safest approach for healing any ailment and uses only natural elements.

Contact the experts of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda to treat any of your ailments in a painless manner. Numerous patients have restored their healthy lives through herbal treatment provided by specialized doctors. The hospital also has an online Ayurvedic doctor consultation facility for persons with hectic schedules.
