Say Goodbye To Obesity By Following These 6 Ayurvedic Natural Remedies

 Are you tired of trying every weight loss tip to get that perfect body shape? Obesity is defined as the accumulation and excess of fat or adipose tissue deposits in the body that can significantly impair health. It can contribute to the development of serious health concerns, including diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. The disease has a multifactorial origin and is categorized as a complex disorder. The prevalence has reached a vast extent and subsequently day by day increase in cases is all outcome of the adoption of an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle i.e., preferring luxury and comfort over health. Weight if not managed timely through the right treatment approach can remarkably decline the quality of life.

Ayurveda uniquely describes each disease and subsequently applies an effective and practical treatment approach for positive results. The Ayurvedic text defines obesity as one of the eight undesirable conditions of the body i.e., Medoroga. In obesity, the problem relies upon the level of Meda (fat) and nourishing Asthi (bone). The fluctuation in nutrition levels can significantly lead to the deposition of more and more fat tissues in the body. Additionally, obesity is considered as “Santarpanottha Vikaras” (the disease that is associated with the accumulation of excessive calories). Ayurvedic treatment's main focus is on balancing the three doshas of the body and specifically, Kapha is a pre-dominant dosha whose aggravation causes obesity. Why Ayurveda is the best treatment approach? Because it not only focuses on reducing extra calories but also adjusts metabolic processes by eliminating toxins and restoring healthy body system functioning. This all is made possible through obesity Ayurvedic treatment which manages disease through a systematic and holistic approach providing long-term results.

Along with Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss, experts suggest some best natural home remedies and tips whose adoption will definitely provide positive results.

  1. Fenugreek (Methi) seeds are considered an ideal herb for weight reduction. It supports digestion, the key to shedding weight efficiently. The seeds are rich source of galactomannan, a water-soluble component that helps restrict cravings, keep the stomach full for longer, and boosts metabolism. Recipe: Roast methi seeds and crush them to a fine powder. Intake this powder with lukewarm water daily on an empty stomach for quick outcomes.
  2. Triphala helps in eliminating toxins from the body and rejuvenates the healthy functioning of the digestive system. It acts as a colon toner that aid in the effective management of weight. The herb fights digestive diseases and also decreases cholesterol levels that help reduce abdominal bloating. Recipe: Take Triphala powder with 1 glass of lukewarm water twice a day and see the observable results.
  3. Practice regular yoga and meditation as it helps to keep the mind calm and relaxed. Additionally, it increases flexibility, improves vitality, balances metabolism, promotes mental stability, and manage body weight. The best yoga poses that are proven to provide beneficial results in weight loss are Phalakasana, Virabhadrasana-I, and the Trikonasana.
  4. Black pepper (Kali Mirch) is considered the storehouse of health benefits and medicinal properties. The most effective herb for weight loss also improves metabolism. It is fully packed with Vitamin A, K, and C and certain essential minerals like calcium, potassium, and sodium. The presence of the piperine compound helps enhance metabolic performance and prevents the accumulation of fat thereby increasing the concentration of good cholesterol. You can have pepper tea with added grated ginger in it for best results.
  5. The mixture of ginger and garlic with the zest of lemon is the ultimate solution and is known as one of the quickest and effective weight loss tips. Additionally, it helps to cure other problems including heart blockage, sinusitis, and fatty liver and also maintains cholesterol levels in the blood. Recipe: Mix paste of garlic cloves, grated ginger, and two tsp. of lemon juice in a 2-3 glass of water. Boil the mixture until it is reduced to half. Drink this mixture thrice a day.
  6. Aloe Vera is a nutrition-dense plant that contains some active compounds which are proven for providing multiple health benefits. It contains a complex carbohydrate known as acemannan that promotes the absorption of nutrients by the cells and nourishes them thus efficiently detoxifies the body. Having fresh aloe vera juice daily, twice aids in boosting metabolism, improves the digestive system, and helps in weight reduction.
  7. By doing fasting once in a while will surely help in reducing those extra pounds from your body.
