Having persistent neck pain and stiffness? Try these effective Ayurvedic tips to get instant relief from neck pain

 Experiencing neck pain and stiffness? The problem for ages has affected almost every individual once in their lifetime causing extreme discomfort. Earlier was most probably related as an age-associated problem and was majorly faced by the older age group due to degeneration of the cartilage. But today, the people's hectic and tiring working schedules and complete negligence towards their deteriorating health have marked a rise in affected individuals that belongs to all age categories. The shooting/throbbing pain, numbness, and stiffness of the neck can hamper the working efficiency of an individual to a considerable extent.

The majority take the support of painkillers considering getting quick relief from neck ache. But in no time the dependency on them increases, which in the future leads to the emergence of serious complications. Although a right neck pain treatment can become a blooming shine in recovery if consulted with doctors timely. Then which treatment is best to get relief? By examining the treatment effectiveness and patient recovery rate neck pain Ayurvedic treatment emerged as the best option to get lifelong results. As it cures the disease from its root cause by following a natural and holistic approach without the worry of getting any side effects.

Some effective Ayurvedic tips suggested by experts that provide relief from neck pain and stiffness are listed below.

Maintain a good posture 

The hunched posture causes extra stress on the spine. Therefore, maintaining a perfect posture is an important tip to follow for naturally balancing the cervical spine and thus getting relief from discomforting pain. This keeps the spine in a neutral position.

Apply heat and ice 

The hot and cold compression has been shown to provide beneficial results. The cold pad will help reduce the inflammation and on the other hand, the hot pad will promote smooth blood circulation/flow. Thus working together to soothe strained or the torn neck muscles.

Do stretching 

A gentle stretching exercise can work wonders for efficiently releasing neck pain and stiffness. If done properly under the supervision and taking neck pain treatment will surely be advantageous for quick relief and also prevention from symptoms recurrence in the future. The stretching should be done slowly without taking jerks or random as it can become the cause of extreme pain and injury.


  • Roll the shoulders backward and forward. 
  • Press the shoulder blades lightly and hold the position for a few seconds and repeat.


This technique has shown the best results and employed for a long to get relief from joint pain. It specifically involves inserting the needles into the particular pressure points that surely benefit in relieving stress, tension, pain and thus reducing the inflammation and stiffness. It is a widely accepted holistic treatment approach that mainly triggers our body’s natural pain relievers.

Limit physical activities 

Limiting physical movement for quite some time can help in relieving neck pain and stiffness. Specifically, it is recommended to restrict heavy activities including weight lifting that may aggravate the neck muscles. If having muscles strain, then a person needs to take rest to cure naturally.

Go for a massage 

In addition to taking self-care, it is also necessary to opt for a massage which emerged as a fantastic way to get rid of the neck-associated problem more quickly and effectively. The gentle massage with Ayurvedic medicated oil has shown marvelous results in recovery. Some of the best oils suggested are lavender, peppermint, and basil.

Practice yoga

Yoga helps maintain proper neck position by actively relieving neck and shoulder pain and stiffness. If practiced daily with the proper knowledge it can provide positive recovery. The best yoga poses suggested by the experts for the purpose are Paschimottanasana, cross-body stretch, Virabhadrasana II, and Marjaryasana.
